A pink slip at work is bad news. But blue slips may make the difference between Democratic wins and losses at this November’s election.
Blue slips are the informal name for the one-page reminders that Democratic volunteers are handing out to voters, directing them to manage all their voting needs by going to the “Voting” page on the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) website.
First and foremost, the slips are meant to inspire voters to vote in the November 5 election, in which all 140 state House and Senate seats are up for grabs, as well as numerous Fairfax County positions: Commonwealth Attorney, Sheriff, Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Soil and Water Conservation board.
The slip reminds voters that, “In 2017, we were a single vote short in a single Virginia district (the 94th) to end GOP control of the House of Delegates. We need every single vote to win this year!”
Volunteers report that voters welcome the reminders. The numbers prove their point:
- In advance of the June 11th primary, volunteers greeting commuters over three days at the Vienna and Dunn Loring-Merrifield Metro stations gave out 1,758 blue slips.
- At Celebrate Fairfax on June 8, over 1,000 were handed out to Virginia voters,
- Another 1,000 were handed out at the Fairfax July Fourth parade to spectators who took them,
- Almost 800 more were taken by Virginia voters at Viet Fest on Aug. 10-11
Jean Robinson, a volunteer at Metro just before the primary, observed, “The best cases were those who wanted to vote, but needed a reminder that there was a primary and the date. The small slip of paper seemed just right for them and not expensive to produce.”
Senseny Marshall, a fellow Metro station volunteer, agreed. “Many… walked by in a hurry… But the ones that stopped were grateful to hear about the upcoming primary and many were surprised there was a primary… some were happy to tell their friends about early voting and the primary.”

Sawyer Loessberg, an intern with FCDC, summed up his experience handing out blue slips at the July Fourth parade: “We actually ran out of handouts near the end of the route. It was a blast handing them out and talking with everyone who was willing to listen.”
Added Rose Chu, a long-term FCDC member who volunteered at Celebrate Fairfax, “A number of people thanked us for the blue slips.”
Todd Thurwachter, a member of FCDC’s Voter Registration & Education Committee (VREC), urges Democratic volunteers to take every opportunity to distribute the blue slips, also called “Join the Blue Wave” invitations. “At 4,500 [already distributed] and counting, these Blue Wave invitations are proving highly cost effective to engage and educate Democrats to vote,” he said.
Thurwachter added that volunteers may pick up free packs of the flyers at FCDC headquarters, 8500 Executive Park Ave #402, Fairfax, VA 22031, open 10 am – 4 pm M-F. If interested in printed versions for use when canvassing, please contact VREC Chair Janice Yohai: jayohai@cox.net.
Main photo: (L-R) FCDC volunteers Rose Chu and Todd Thurwachter, and state Del. Marcus Simon (D-53), hand out blue slips to potential voters at Celebrate Fairfax on June 8