Hoarding hurts animals, too

By Susan Laume: Hoarders don’t restrict their obsession to inanimate objects. In Fairfax County – a  “hot spot” for hoarding, as we reported previously  — animals have been freed from hoarders on numerous occasions. Fairfax County’s worst animal hoarding case on record was in 2005, when 500 cats were confiscated, according to Animal Protection Police Officer Sgt, Alena Swartz. However,…

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Fairfax County struggles with high level of hoarding

By Susan Laume: Imagine sitting on your porch enjoying the gentle breeze of a pleasant summer evening… then being driven inside by odors when your neighbor opens his garage door… He’s a hoarder. What can be done?  That’s a difficult question, but state Del. Mark Keam (D – 35) is committed to finding an answer. Americans are curious about hoarding,…

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