Big welcome for Fairfax County elected leaders

By Susan Laume: The Fairfax County Government Center auditorium was packed, despite cold and rainy weather, as elected officials, including Board of Supervisors Chair Jeff McKay, took their oaths of office on December 16. Several hundred friends, family and well-wishers braved the rain to congratulate 15 newly elected county officials — 10 supervisors, three Soil and Water Board directors, sheriff…

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Sperling concedes in close-run Springfield supervisor race

By Susan Laume: Linda Sperling conceded her race for Springfield District Supervisor Thursday, November 7, falling a few votes short of the 1% recount threshold. On election night, Sperling tallied 49.2% of the 40,512 total votes cast, narrowly behind long-term Republican incumbent Pat Herrity with 50.8%. Even after post-election canvassing moved approximately 200 votes into her camp, the total difference…

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Democrats take Richmond, extend control over Fairfax County

Democrats took control of the Virginia House and Senate on Tuesday, and consolidated their legislative hold in Northern Virginia as Dan Helmer ousted Republican incumbent Del. Tim Hugo in the 40th District (Centreville) to make the region a solid sea of blue. Democrats also swept to victory in local elections in Fairfax County, with two challengers defeating Republican school board…

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Guns and transportation highlight Springfield supervisor debate

By Susan Laume: Springfield District citizens reacted strongly to gun violence and transportation issues during Monday night’s debate between their Fairfax County Board of Supervisor candidates Linda Sperling, Democrat, and incumbent, Pat Herrity, Republican. The audience, most wearing candidate T-shirts or stickers, selected seats in a partisan divide in the Rolling Valley Elementary School cafeteria, Monday evening, Oct 14.  They…

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Gun violence is key issue at Springfield candidate forum

By Susan Laume: Gun violence was a defining issue at the Springfield District candidate forum on Thursday, Oct. 3, attended by candidates for Fairfax County School Board, county Board of Supervisors, and state delegate. Laura Jane H. Cohen, Democratic-endorsed candidate for school board, criticized incumbent Elizabeth L. Schultz, Republican-endorsed, for favoring armed teachers in schools.   Both Cohen and R.K.…

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Virginia could put the ERA over the top

By Linda Sperling:  (Ed. Note: The author is a Democratic candidate for Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Springfield District) The Equal Rights Amendment could finally become law in 2019, if the Virginia legislature ratifies it. The amendment needs approval from 38 states to become effective, and 37 have done so already. As most people know, the ERA would ensure that…

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