VA Sen. Surovell defends vote against assault weapon ban

By Susan Laume: Those following Virginia’s gun violence prevention measures were surprised when State Sen. Scott Surovell (D-36th) joined three other Democrats, Sens. “Chap” Petersen (D-34th), John Edwards (D-21st) and Creigh Deeds (D-25th), in a committee vote against advancing an assault weapons ban on February 17.  Gun control and gun advocates were among those in the audience to ask about…

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Ten million more tons of carbon yearly if bill passes to approve power plants

Ten million tons of carbon would be added to Virginia’s carbon footprint annually if the Virginia legislature approves a bill to permit two new gas-fired power plants in Charles City County, southeast of Richmond. The bill, SB 992, would greenlight the largest fossil-fueled electrical plant in Virginia ever, the Chickahominy Plant, producing 1,600 MW and costing a proposed $1.6 billion.…

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Bloomberg scores at Mt. Vernon District straw poll

By Mary Paden: Mike Bloomberg came in first, followed by Amy Klobuchar and then Pete Buttigieg at a straw poll conducted by the Mt. Vernon District Democratic Committee on Sunday, Feb. 16. The straw poll was taken at the committee’s annual Mardi Gras themed fundraiser, attended by 170 people including many local Democratic officials. Surrogates for each candidate gave short…

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Lawmakers welcome 50+ Committee on day of advocacy for seniors

The 50+ Committee of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee spent a busy day in Richmond on Jan. 16 meeting with state lawmakers on issues that are key to seniors. Sen. Dick Saslaw (D-35), the Senate’s majority leader, recognized the group from the floor of the Senate, and numerous other legislators also made time for this important constituency. Issues discussed included…

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No. Va. senators unite behind Saslaw re-election bid

To the Editor of The Blue View: Stop us if you’ve heard this before: “This election is the most consequential of our lifetimes.” We say it every November – and we’re proven right time and time again. After last year’s midterm elections, the House of Representatives is finally providing the much-needed check that President Trump’s White House has been lacking.…

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State legislators welcome 50+ delegation from NoVa

Although the weather was cold, the reception was warm as 10 state lawmakers met with a delegation of 50+ Committee members, part of Fairfax County Democratic Committee, in Richmond on Jan. 17. The 50+ members discussed key issues for seniors with legislators, including mobile voting in long term care facilities, creation of an elder care abuse registry, and ensuring staffing…

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Virginia leads the nation in student arrests – Dem. legislators seek solutions 

Virginia refers more of its public school students, in percentage terms, to police than any other state. Now Northern Virginia state legislators want to address this troubling problem in the upcoming General Assembly session starting Jan. 9th in Richmond. Seven local legislators, all Democrats, held a forum recently in the Richard Byrd Library in Springfield, Va., to discuss the dysfunction…

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Delegates discuss how to keep Blue Wave going into 2019

By Karen Kirk: Virginia freshman Delegates Elizabeth R. Guzman, David A. Reid and Kathy Tran talked about what motivated them to run for office, what surprised them when they arrived in Richmond and their outlook for 2019 at the Blue Wave Forum held on Sept. 25 at James Madison High School in Vienna. State Sen. Scott Surovell, who asked the…

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Anne Holton inspires at Lee Dems luau

By Janelle Hartman: Pride was as thick as the humid air Saturday as Lee District Democrats gathered for their annual luau, where a special guest symbolized the contrast between an inclusive Virginia and those who want to turn back the clock. Anne Holton was 12 years old when her family became role models for desegregation, as her father, Linwood —…

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