
It’s all business in Wexton-Comstock debate

By Stephanie Witt Sedgwick: State Sen. Jennifer Wexton (D-33) faced off against Rep. Barbara Comstock (R- 10) on Sept. 21 for the Congressional candidates’ only debate so far in the campaign. In a discussion restricted to business issues, Wexton attacked…

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Kaine, Stewart on opposite sides on climate change

By Karen Kirk: Virginia’s candidates for U.S. Senate Tim Kaine and Republican Corey Stewart have different takes on climate change: Sen. Kaine believes that human activity is causing significant climate change and we have an obligation to do something about…

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Time for Dems to reclaim mantle of patriotism

By Holly Hazard: PHILADELPHIA — Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a rousing speech urging Democrats to reclaim the mantle of patriotism from the Republican Party this past weekend at The Arena Summit, a symposium designed to train progressive…

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Photo Essay: Big weekend of action

By Karen Kirk: About 40 Hunter Mill District canvassers hit the ground running Saturday after a rousing reminder from U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly about the importance of getting a majority of Democrats elected to the House on Nov. 6. Connolly…

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Lots of support for Democrats at Vietfest

By Todd Thurwachter: Volunteers from FCDC and the Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia (DAAV) reported the strongest positive engagement yet at this year’s Vietfest held in August. They found a great deal of support and enthusiasm, particularly among young voters, and recommended…

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Virginia could be the 38th state to ratify the ERA

By Susan Laume: Virginia’s vote could be the last state vote needed to allow the United States Congress to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would become the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. VAratifyERA Sunday — Women’s Equality Day…

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